Masterclasses / Workshops
Virtual Masterclass
Is your 6 to 12 year old struggling with school?

Are you wondering as a parent...

If they are:

  • getting good quality sleep
  • struggling with their mental health

How to:

  • Handle screen time
  • Deal with homework battles
  • Approach bullying situations
  • Learn to manage their big emotions

In this Masterclass, presented in collaboration with Kelsey Sharpless, MSW, RSW, you will gain access to evidence-based, attachment-focused insights and practical strategies. These resources are designed to empower you as a caregiver, equipping you to navigate the common, yet challenging, aspects of childhood development and enhance your effectiveness as a parent.

For an investment of $18, you will receive a comprehensive package that includes a 1.5-hour Masterclass, valuable parenting resources and handouts, curated recommendations for further learning, and the opportunity for an optional 15-minute consultation call with each of us

Learn more about Kelsey and her work at

Caregiver Survival Guide Testimonials
Promoting Wellness In The Workspace

Kelsey Sharpless (Registered Social Worker & Psychotherapist) & Joelle Hill (CBT-I-trained Sleep Consultant) have been partnering since 2021 to offer psychoeducational presentations, workshops and masterclasses in our local community & virtually.

Wellness In The Workspace Testimonials
What We've Offered In The Past

Here is a list of our offerings that we have delivered to various local groups in the past including our local hospital, Chamber of Commerce and retirement homes:

  • Mental Health and Sleep: Promoting Wellness in the Workplace
  • Mental Health and Sleep for Aging Adults
  • Back to School Preparation for Elementary-Aged Children